Gray day, colder than I thought it would be because of the wind.
Went to Atlanta Bread Company on my way to walk dogs, my new routine.
Sat and ate a sourdough roll with butter as I read my soap opera updates from yesterday.
I walked Phantom first. Not the best name for him. 2 year old basset hound with a very hoarse bark.
He was very happy to go outside and waddled all over the place.
Next I walked Tyler, I have no idea what Tyler is. He has long thick (not wiry...but really soft like Pantene hair) curly hair.
Looks like the cut the hair out of his eyes so he could see. He also had fun racing around outside with me, we even played and chased each other around the field for a bit.
I asked about Hercules and Lottie before I left. They weren't there, but I didn't see anything about them being adopted. They told me both and a few other were put down. They didn't pass the food test, meaning they growled when someone took their food. I was fine when she told me. I know they test all the dogs. I asked her if staff or volunteers could adopt the dog before it passed or failed a test or even though if failed and she said no. Most of these dogs aren't fixed yet, I just don't think it's fair. A lot of them are totally different dogs after being fixed it seems like a lot of the domination issues go away after that. But then I told myself, the dogs are happier here than where they were. They get water, food and treats, and love. They have blankets and toys. This place is a much better place than where they were, and dying by being hit by a car, starving or in a dog fight is a much more violent way to go. But still...it just hit me hard today. I called Brad from the parking lot and cried when I told him. I came right home and got back into bed with him and snuggled. He is so sweet...when I am sad I can't get warm, so he turned the heat up a few notches before I got home. And after some time in bed he fixed me lunch and brought it up to me. Grilled chicken with broccoli and red pepper. Then we laid back down and went to sleep for a bit.
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