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Chicago Sheri

Thursday, December 12, 2002

Busy again today.
Feel like I am getting a little bit of a cold.
I drank some mega vitamin c drink this morning and some asprin.

Brad and I refinanced our house today.
The office of the atty we used was right across the street from Brad's building.
Then we went back over to his building and had lunch in the cafeteria.
I'm glad he twisted my arm into going.
I was thinking about grabbing some McDonalds and going back to work.
But I ate a much better lunch in his cafe.
And probably no one noticed I was gone anyway.

I have my Christmas shopping all done and wrapped!!

Brad and I have been playing with the video camera a lot lately.
New toy!
I need to tape Goli puking.
One of these mornings...I will get it!
He puked this morning outside while I sat with him.

I just read an artice in NY Post saying the "Doe_Eyed Kelly Clarkson" is a phony and a liar.


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