I have been extra tired for the last month since the surgery.
Really tired, like I feel like I could sleep anywhere at anytime.
Tired as in lazy too. Not wanting to do things around the house and putting things off more so than I usually do. But of course when I got home I could have just gone to bed instead of watching TV and playing on the computer...but anyway! :P
At first I just told myself I had a cold.
Then I said I just need a vacation.
I've got a vacation planned in August with a lot of my family that I am really looking forward to in Florida. Looking forward to the warmth, the beach and I LOVE swimming, and relaxing and good talks with family.
BUT I NEED ONE NOW!!! I dont wanna wait!!
I dont think this has anything to do with my anti-depressants or thyroid meds either, just feel like something aint right.
I talked to Brad today about it, I mentioned stuff to him before but tried piecing it all together today. Trying to figure what my deal was.
I think its been a lot of the dog, since it was a month ago at the time of my surgery I found out about him.
We have been force feeding Goli since this weekend. It hasnt been fun.
He wasnt eating. Not even the stinky canned dog food. I was feeding him anything out of the fridge, carrots, slices of bread...peanut butter. It worked for a day but then he didnt even want that. So Saturday Brad scrambled an egg, added salt, pepper and garlic powder to it. Dog didnt want it, so we all sat down. Brad grabbed his snout and forced his mouth open while I shoved it in, and then Brad would hold his mouth shut until he swallowed.
Pretty traumatic for the dog, but he seemed torn, as if he was hungry but just didnt want to eat. He fought by keeping his mouth shut, but didnt try to run away from us.
We followed up with some carrots and peanut butter.
Then we read online to chill the dog food and cut in slices to force feed them, its makes it a little easier.
So we did that too. Sat night Sunday and this morning, we got up extra early to force feed the dog. Shove what we could into his mouth, and then follow up with peanut butter and some carrots if he felt up to eating them.
Brad called the vet today and told him what was going on, and now we have pills to give him twice a day which might help him eat, and he also told us to give him cimitedine twice a day for stomach acid. AND they gave us this pate (like custard) dog food for cancer dogs, high in protein and fat, and low in salt and carbs with a syringe thing to shoot it down his throat. They said this is common in cancer dogs. This new stuff worked good. Less traumatic on us and the dog. We dont have to hold his mouth open, we can just stick the plastic syringe in between his side teeth and shoot it in, he doesnt have to chew, its very liquidy. It still takes work to get him to take the pills..and a lot of patience....but he has a lot of patience too...so its a game of who gets tired first.
I found a neat trick of sprinkling water on his nose which gets his tongue going and makes him swallow. That is until he comes out with his latest trick too.
Just stressed, and feeling it physically, but handling it all ok.
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