They were having a big adoption thing going on yesterday. It was so cute, they set up a photo op area, with bales of hay and pumpkins. Had a food table set out front, and removed any usual clutter.
I walked Little Mama first because she was very vocal and looked like she needed to go out right away. She wants to violently kill her neighbor Buddy. I think Buddy must have made fun of her nipples or something. Since she is a little mama, she had given birth recently, and her nipples were still dropped. When I went to get her, her and Buddy were yelled death threats at each other inches apart, nose to nose, both at the corners of their doors closest to each other. I decided Mama was my dog, and let someone else take out Buddy later. When I got her out she charged over to Buddy like she was gonna bust some heads. Then soon as we got out and I sat down with her she was the lovely doveliest of dogs. Crawled up in my lap, covering me with sweet kisses, tail wagging non-stop. She is just so sweet and wonderful.
Next I walked Champ. A 7 year old Pointer. First Pointer I've seen there, and he was very skinny too. But for being as skinny as he was he was very strong. His nose going into overdrive. Smelling everything, wanted to go check out the fields and woodsy areas for thing he smelled. Very majestic looking dog. He tries to act like he is indifferent...keeping his majestic look about him, but his tail gives him away. Anytime I would baby talk him he would wag so hard he could barely walk. Beautiful dog.
Next was an 8week old Pitt puppy named Digger. Little devil dog with razor sharp teeth. So I got him to bite on his leash rather then me, and we played tug of war since he had so much energy to get out. He so cute, but such a puppy spaz.
Last was Sam. Beautiful timid dog. Timid eyes and demeanor. Very strong!!! Non-stop pulling, it was too much for me...kept hurting my hands. But then he is so timid and beautiful looking at the same time.
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