This entry will be using a "mom filter" which is also "I don't want to embarrass Brad due to his wife's mouth filter"
Brad has a class today after work, so I was going to the train by myself.
A pissy suit looking guy with white hair in a suede cowboy hat kept shoving me as we got close to the door of Union Station.
After the second shove, he leveraged his arm in front of me to push me back so he could get in the open door that was directly in front of me first, instead of opening the closed door that was directly in front of him.
I spat "$%#&*@^@!"
He went on a different escalator then I did going down, giving me quick side glances.
We got down and he started stepping away, but then stepped back coming towards me.
I was smirking.
I stopped and waited for his planned out retort.
"Besides your use of vulgar language, you need to learn when to keep your mouth shut."
That last part really cracked me up!
And of course he starts stepping away not wanting to discuss him shoving me, and me having reason for saying what I did.
So I said laughing at him "Whatever $%#&*@^@." Then told him to #$^#&@ &%.
I will be looking for him and his hat now.
Everytime I see him I will say "Hey $%#&*@^@!", as my little greeting.
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