Back at the apartment in Logan Square since yesterday afternoon.
Cant sleep. Been up since 2am, going thru mail, paying bills and making lists.
Drinking a chocolate Boost high protein drink.
Had my first post-op appt yesterday.
The unwrapping/unveiling.
I lost a lot of weight several years ago.
I look fine in clothes, but hate the way I look naked. Everything just sags.
Just got done getting my boobs lifted and small implants, and a tummy tuck.
Back to today:
My boobs are hard and misshapen.
They told me I need to massage them so they drop into place.
This has me very concerned. I am not sure how normal this is or is not.
I have stitches in, wearing a sports bra, and a very tight ace bandage across the top of my chest to push my tits down into place.
They have me in this compression suit that I got got so aggravated with I cut the back out and legs off last night, so sick and tired of this dirty disgusting thing I've had to wear. It's holding my stomach in and drainage tubes in place.
Yes...drainage tubes.
I have 2.
I had the pain pack tubes pulled out yesterday but have to make an appt for Monday to have the stitches taken out and a drainage tube pulled (worried how much that will hurt) and then have to go back for the other one.
I am a disgusting mess.
I stopped taking the vicodin and muscle relaxers since early yesterday.
I hurt, I am tired, I ache all over, tired of being only able to sleep on my back, my back hurts.
However after all this whining and complaining this is actually much better then I was doing.
The first 3 days after surgery (it was on Thursday) I was eating or drinking and mom almost took me to the hospital cause I couldn't hold down water. The longer it went on the harder it was to eat or even drink anything but eventually I did. I got some water in on Saturday afternoon and it stayed down, then had some chick soup mom microwaved up at a nearby White Hen for me. Wasn't eating/drinking much but it was a good start.
Yesterday we checked out of the hotel, had the doctor appt, and ran a bunch of errands, I walked slow and scuffled but we did a lot, and then I still didnt sleep but 3 hours and sat up and started doing more this morning. Maybe I will sleep later today.
Holed up in the apartment with my nasty drainage tubes, but determined I will walk/drive to a nearby Target today or tomorrow to get a few more things (probably drive since its hard to carry) and I need to bother Jeff about making an extension on the ceiling fan light switch so I can pull the light off but leave the fan on (its too high for me to reach right now)
As you can read I am also pissy....pissy because I really thought I was invincible. I AM A FUCKING SUPERHERO!!! and I am finding out I am not.... :(
Holy cannoli, Chicago Sheri! What an ordeal. Hang in there, girl. You're in my thoughts. Will try to send some good vibes your way.
Keep us posted on your progress when you feel up to it.
8:59 PM
I think I make things more of an ordeal because I am really really impatient about everything
10:15 PM
oh my gawd, that sounds just terrible! it's the stuff they never talk about or show in the "beauty improvement" shows, eh? the pain, the bruising, the stiches and swelling... awe, hugs to you girl. I had no idea you were going through so much. Try to focus on how good you'll look and feel soon... and remember, the best way to eat an elephant is... one bite at a time. (not suggesting you actually EAT and elephant but you know what I mean, LOL!) now go spoil yourself with something sexy and new to show off your new hot bod :-))
10:29 AM
no ever seems to talk about their drainage tubes!!
it always seems to be after a few weeks they are in the bathroom with girlfriends showing off their new breasts!!
it will help when the tubes come out, i will feel a little more normal again and then when my boobs look a little more normal instead o fcross eyed :)
10:41 AM
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