Office Memo
Subj: Distribution of Emergency Response Kits
I am pleased to announce that we have decided to purchase and distribute Emergency Response Packs to all Bank of America staff at the Sears Tower. These packs have been distributed to NY staff since 9/11 and were reported by NY staff to be very helpful during the blackout last August.
The kits include an emergency supply of water, AM/FM pocket radio with AA batteries, N95 ventilator mask, small flashlight with batteries, space blanket, whistle, two 12-hour glow sticks and first aid kit. Supplies are packaged in a nylon red 3-pocket fanny pack that is easy to clip on and wear, keeping your hands free in an emergency.
The Mailroom will receive the packs shortly and will distribute them by floor, beginning with the 25th floor and moving up to the 28th floor. The distribution will take several weeks given the number of staff involved, so please be patient.
These packs should be kept at your desk for use in an emergency. Please do not take them home. Given the considerable expense of purchasing these for all STC staff, we will not be able to provide duplicates.
It is certainly our hope that there will not be an occasion to use these packs, but please keep the contents intact and at hand should an emergency occur. We will send out a reminder in a year or so to replace the batteries to ensure that they remain viable.
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