In the train station tonight I saw a guide dog working.I'm always so impressed with them.I'm not sure if his person was blind or something else or if he was just training the dog.I watched them go down the escalator next to me. The dogs back legs were raised up on the escalator step behind him. He was so calm, cool, and collected he yawned. Stepped off the escalator like nothing and went right into a crowd of people and just took his time navigating around them.The hustle and bustle of the train station during morning or night-time rush is just an amazing training ground.
There are so many homeless pets and yet people still insist on having bred dogs, buying them. When there are plenty of dogs for free. I think there are so many other things dogs could do besides be a household pet. Working with the police, hospitals, rehabs, jails, detention centers, assisted living places, old folks homes. Helping physically and mentally ill people. It's amazing what dogs can do with some training. Sensing seizures before they happen.
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