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Chicago Sheri

Monday, February 24, 2003

I like that one Nora Jones song.
Ok, I used to.
But its the only song I have heard of hers and I am getting tired of hearing it.
During lunch Navin and I went to Borders to pickup some books he wanted.
They were blasting (BLASTING) the Nora Jones album.
At first it was nice to hear something else of hers.
At first....
After like the 6th song we were wondering if they just had the same song on repeat...all hers songs sound exactly (EXACTLY) the same.
And it was so loud we couldnt get away from it. I kept hoping maybe she would have one upbeat little number in there....but NOOOOoooooo!
Same tempo, same sound over and over.

I didnt watch most of the awards last night, just clicked in and out a few times.
I thought Nelly sucked, and its too bad too...I like Nelly.
I like they way he sounds on his records.
But he had a bunch of other guys in there and they are all yelling the lyrics...it just doesnt sound good. Too loose.
And Kelly, for her duet with him, was really off key. It sounded better as she went on, but I think its just cause they turned up her recorded version up louder to cover her.

And where did Bruce, Steve and a Foo Fighter get those fake cockney accents from?!?!?


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