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Chicago Sheri

Tuesday, March 04, 2003

Doing fine.
Just feel like someone punched me in the chest several times.

My thyroid is taken out, and part of a lymph node that looked bad too. They took out the stitches today and coated my neck with steri-strips.
It hurts to tun my head a bit, I keep wanted to move my upper body rather than just my neck.
It hurts to swallow and cough too.

The stuff they used to knock me out made me really sick.
Brad said my breath smelled like medicine. I could taste and smell the stuff seeping out of me up until late last night.
I puked a few times after the surgery and then slept a lot.
I felt sick when I got up to go to the bathroom but I just went back to bed and laid down until it passed.
Later last night I tried to drink some Sprite and puked and peed all over myself.
Projectile and all that fun stuff!

After that last mess I finally got some stuff for nausea.

No fun drugs for me either!! :( They said to take tylenol.
He will see me again next Weds, and in about a month from now to shoot me up with radioactive iodine. I guess the tyroid sucks up iodine, so they will give me some so then do an x-ray and see if they got all the thyroid out.

Im tired.
I was able to eat alittle this morning.
I showered my puky hair as soon as I got home.
That helped.

Mom will be here tomorrow to baby me.


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