Anxiety dreams:
Last night I dreamt I took off my bra and forgot I didnt have one on.
I was wearing a white tight tshirt and walked up to this group of people I was meeting, as I walked up and remembered I had no bra on and was ABSOLUTELY MORTIFIED!!!
*these mamas need to be in a bra in public at ALL TIMES*
The night before I dreamt Brad woke me up at 4am and wanted me to read something, he kept talking to me and pestering me until I was so mad I wanted to hit him, not just hit him but pummel him. Then I dreamt I dreamt he did that and was telling him and he got all quiet because it wasnt a dream and he really did that. I woke up really aggravated like it really happened. So I told Brad I was mad at him but that I was over it now, and told him the dream, and the dream I had a dream that it was real.
The night before that I dreamt I missed my waxing appt for that day. See I am usually not a bubble-head, but I missed my last appt right before I went on vacation. I had put the date in wrong in my daytimer, and I felt horrible when they called. Cause I love my waxist Elaine. So anyway, I dreamt I missed it again and this time I just felt AWFUL, really bad about it. Then I dreamt that I dreamt that and realized that my appt was at 1:30 and 1:30 hadn't happened yet. So I went on doing stuff in my dream then looked up at the clock and it was 1:30 and I MISSED IT AGAIN. So then I felt doubly bad!! Then I really woke up, realized it was just a dream and a dream of a dream but still felt really bad.
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