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Chicago Sheri

Sunday, November 30, 2003

Still super busy.
Been reading more than posting.

Thanksgiving was nice and relaxing.
I alternated days of work, got all my christmas shopping done, wrapped it all, did laundry, put laundry away from last week, emptied and filled dishwasher, and cleaned up the kitchen from Thanksgiving cooking. Rented Harry Potter 2 and Lord of the Rings 2 to watch on Thanksgiving Day and the day after. Brad has been busy with school work, and studying for the end of the semester coming up.

On our day off for Thanksgiving, we got up, went through White Castle for a snack and then went to go see the dogs. Other volunteers were there too, so there wasn't much work to do, and we were able to just spend time with our favorites playing with them.

Gemini (one of Brad's favorites), Tawny (Gemini's puppy roommate), Aussie (one of my favorites) all got adopted. Hennah is now available for adoption. Sugar has lost weight and showing more energy and seems happier. Marco seems to be doing better too. He was playing with his toys with me, wagging his tail. I think the only reason he hasn't gotten adopted is because most people that want him already have a pitbull or pitbull mix and he doesnt like that. He likes cats and smaller dogs, but doesnt like other big dogs.

Saturday we went to walk dogs. There was another volunteer there, so all the dogs got walked in an hour. So then before we left we spent fun time with the dogs.

After that I ran some holiday errands, and then got my haircut. When I got home, Brad was taking a nap and I was ready for one too. Slept for a couple of hours. He was ready to go back to school work and I had plans to go out to Bob's parents place for a screening his editing of the Arthurian Tales. Combining 16 hours of movies together to cover the timeline. Some of the scenes were really funny, and one really odd french film edited in there too. I love watching movies, all movies, good, bad, old, and new. Bob's parents place was really cool. Huge screening room to show movies and had about 800 reels of film all over the place, his dad collects them. Had some huge film equipment too, the size they have at movie theaters, that he maintains himself.

Today was finishing up Christmas shopping and wrapping. Had a bunch of weird dreams, dreams of me dreaming and telling Brad about them again, then unsure if I just dreamt about saying words out loud or if I really did. In and out of dreams like that all morning, since we didn't get out of bed until noon.

Now for the dogs!

Marco was feeling more upbeat and playful.

Sugar has trimmed up a bit, ran and jumped around with me outside!

Spirit is new, very cute beagle puppy. Loves to kiss.

Cleo is a burst of white blurry energy when she first gets out. But when you sit down near her, she just wants to jump in your lap and hug.

Sphynx is a beautiful dog, 6 month old puppy. I hate his name though, tough one to yell through the house, or outside across a field....difficult to enunciate. But very sweet dog.

...and of course Hennah. Funny how her tongue curls in that one shot. And I like the last one, looks like she is throwing her head back in laughter.


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