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Chicago Sheri

Sunday, July 18, 2004

Elsa is an 8 year old shepard mix.  She was a bit skittish a first.  Head down low, but then she pressed her body against her kennel giving me the "you can pet me" signal.  I think she was just being submissive.  Very quiet, gentle dog.  Most dogs are young, its unusual to have a dog older than 4.  I checked her file, someone turned her in saying she was too active for them. Bullshit!  She is a very passive dog.  While out walking she met up with a puppy being walked. She was so cute, she sprang into play mode and bounced around with the puppy. Let the puppy paw at her, and was just really sweet.


Geezer is another older dog. They said he is 10 years old, but then in his file said they think he might be even older than that.  He was found abandoned.  In his teeth you can tell he is old, but otherwise he is very active.  Barks for attention in his kennel.  And on his walk, he walked fast.  He seemed to would have like to run....but I am not a jogger.  Very healthy active dog.


Georgi is a favorite of ours.  Only 6 months old but super well behaved.  She has the softest fur, and cute waves to her fur too. Oh yeah...all the dogs had baths recently and smelled so good.  I love fresh doggy smell.  I miss it.  Brad walked Georgi.  He said when he sat down she just dove in his lap. She is super affectionate.  I went and sat with her in her kennel and she dove in my lap too.  It's tough to get a decent pic of her without her looking just like a silhouette since she has black fur.  So no pic does her justice.  She was just so lovey-dovey.  Exactly the kind of dog for our home.


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