On-call last week and again on next week.
So trying to take it easy for the most part this week.
Nothing too post-worthy.
Took some pics of Mitch and his "rat king" looking legs.
Rat kings are mythological beasts said to arise when a number of rats become intertwined at the tails, and additionally stuck to each other with blood, dirt, and excrement.
Yes his eyes are rolled back in his head...
No big plans this coming week, partly cause I am on-call and it could be ugly, but also because we like it that way. Our plans mostly consist of what to eat. Brad has Friday off from work, and Monday and Tuesday too. So we planned food for 5 days: cheese fondue, 7 layer dip, blue cheese dip, grapefruit, cupcakes, rib roast, yorkshire pudding, salad, meringues, hummus and pita, and the christmas cookies his sister & mom sent us that we already began digging in. We have a bunch of movies to watch, and will probably get more. So a great holiday for us, is being together at home with Mitch in our pj's eating, and watching movies.
I think what makes it special is no guilt, we plan on doing this. We could do it more often actually but we try to make errands and plans and keep doing things off our lists of stuff. So now we can sit around and we planned it that way, we arent supposed to be doing anything else, and we can sit back and enjoy it.
Might maybe might be going to Seattle in 2 weeks for training, still slightly up in the air, but looking good and I'd really like to go. Never been. Bunch of people I work with there I would like to meet face to face and then I'd hopefully get to see Irene again.
Toying with the idea of dressing up tomorrow, just to run errands and do normal everyday stuff. I like dressing up for non-occasions.
Ready for a haircut...I think...maybe....
and BTW Brad is awesome...as usual.
On-call for Xmas? Me too; just for a few days though. Then it's party time! Have a good holiday despite the work ;)
11:51 PM
yep I go pn call sunday AM until sometimes new years eve whenever the next guy takes over
at least ill be holed up (working or not) at home with brad and mitch
12:10 AM
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