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Chicago Sheri

Monday, December 04, 2006

I gave Mitch a bath today for his itchy skin.
I got in with him and closed us in the guest bath/shower.
He lost his footing once, and freaked a little but at least he wasnt alone in there and I was able to prop him up, then he was ok.

I towel dried him off, then we both went to my bathroom and let him sit and dry while I took a bath.
Used the drier on him a little, at first he didn't like it, but then when I turned the heat from cool to warm, he liked it better. Brushed him a little as I dried, he liked that too. Then I let him out into our bedroom as I dried my hair. He tried chewing on the door frame again, I yelled at him, we locked eyes, he opened his mouth and slowly inched back to the door frame, I yelled and then he backed away a few feet and laid down while I finished drying my hair.

Went to upload pictures in our office and he went downstairs as Brad called. He was barking, he isn't a barker. Then he barked again so I put Brad on hold. He needed cheerleading to come back up the stairs, so he was standing at the base of the steps upset. A little rah rah go Mitch and he did it.

Ate all his kibble tonight, he usually splits it up.

This is from my cell phone camera while I was in the bath.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

GREAT pictures...as usual.
I'm going to enjoy reading about Mitch.

1:28 AM

Blogger Chicago Sheri said...

He is really silly

7:37 AM


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