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Chicago Sheri

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

My mom, sister, brother-in-law, niece and 2 nephews were here for a visit over the weekend, just left yesterday morning.
My mom and sister visit, but it was the first time with all the kids.
It was a house-full, and a lot going with the kids, but it was all to be expected.
I enjoyed the visit, it helped me turn off the work stuff in my head and let go more. I only checked into work email a few time over the weekend, so it was really good for me.

I liked having people over, and doing things for them, prepping the house, buying stuff. I want to do a good job, make people comfortable. I even made a batch of my blue cheese spread.
Saturday we got to enjoy a really cool Veteran's ceremony with a dedication to some new veterans based sculptures to honor five local men who served in World War II and received high military honors; Mazza, Darfler, Bob Wehrli, Al Rubin and Leo Kuefler — a group of friends all served in the war and returned home safely. Leo Kuefler and Vince Mazza were at the ceremony.

Kuefler earned his Silver Star for saving the lives of his platoon members outside a small French village, where his tank platoon was scouting for German soldiers.
Kuefler's tank and two others were ambushed by a gunner waiting in one of the houses.
In the subsequent fight, with artillery fire from the hill bombarding the tanks, Kuefler realized one of the platoon's tanks was without a commander.
He ran three-quarters of a mile to the tank without a commander and helped the gunner continue to fire on the hill, and ultimately causing 18 German soldiers to surrender.

It was a really beautiful ceremony

This month is going fast, Thanksgiving just around the corner and Christmas/New Years before I know it.


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