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Chicago Sheri

Monday, December 04, 2006

We got our new dog Mitch
Retired racer, greyhound
76 pounds
3 years old

He has been sleeping with us every night, in between us sprawled out, likes squeaky toys. When he doesn't know what to do with himself he might gnaw on wood like our TV stand or a door frame until we yell. Like a nervous biting your nails kind of thing. He gets big parade from us everytime he goes up or down the stairs, he is still not quite used to them. He tried to walk through our back glass sliding door a couple of times, so now we taped up pieces of paper so he knows something is there. Later today I will go look for some sticky window things to put up. He skin is a little itchy, so he will get a coal tar shampoo and bath later today.

This morning was his first day of our regular weekday morning routine. While he was in bed with me, Brad dropped the shampoo while in the shower. 5 seconds later his head shot up, did a circle on the bed, jumped off, did a circle on the floor and then ran out of the room and ran downstairs. I coaxed him back upstairs, but when he would poke his head in our room he kept looking up at the ceiling fan like it was the first time he noticed it. He seemed to think the fan made the noise and was scary. It took 15 minutes of us reassuring him and he went back to bed, laid down and relaxed. But I think he will be keeping his eye on the fan for the next few days.

Brad and Mitch had some time to bond over the weekend. A girlfriend of mine was in town for some work conference thing. She came in late Saturday afternoon. I packed a little bag and took the train into town. I was a bad hostess and had nothing planned. So we walked around to see people shopping, Christmas lights, and decide on what to eat. She is from California, so the cold is a shock to her system. We had a fancy dinner at Sullivans, some drinks to warm us up. Then took a cab to the Belmont Clark area. Went into a Walgreens where she bought a sweatshirt to put on over her sweater, a blanket to wrap up in, and those hot packs you can stick in your gloves. Walking out of Walgreen I saw some Santas so we decided to follow the Santas, which led us to Sheffields. Packed full of drunk Santas, I asked them if it was an office thing, but they said it was a charity thing for cancer. Drunk Santas for cancer. But it was fun cheesy and festive and put me in the holiday spirit, that and some drinks. Watching Santas rock out to Justin Timberlake, a guido Santa really did Justin really well.
We then followed the Santas to John Barleycorn. Stayed there just a little while cause we are both such lightweights when it comes to drinking, that soon we went back to her room and went to bed.
Got up the next day and went to go see Bobby Really good movie.

Drunk Santas

My bundled friend


Blogger Iowa Greyhound said...

I once dogsat a greyhound that was terrified of ceiling fans. It may be somewhat common.

My Miss Long Nose is okay with fans, but does not like balloon or kites!

8:30 PM

Blogger Chicago Sheri said...

He doesnt seem to look up often, so its like the ceiling fan just snuck up on him.

10:41 PM


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