Brad has today off, so I set up office at Panera today.
So we can snack, surf and work there.
Getting ready to close down and do some grocery shopping.
Later tonight I have my first neighborhood community meeting. I have been elected (if I remember the title correctly....) Welcoming Committee Captain or maybe it was Block Master... They told me the all the block captains report to me, and I will have to give them info that needs to be passed out, as well as new member info.
Last night I went to my first Tastefully Simple buy something party.
These are all part of my efforts to get to know our neighbors and community. We have lived here 5 years and we don't hardly know anyone and would like to be more social. I am still on the sub-list for Bunco, also in the neighborhood book club as well as the gourmet club (but that one is just like 4 times a year)
This will help me break my bad habit of stereotyping people. There are some uptight people, but even then I see them trying to break their habits by joining these clubs and trying to get to know other people and try something new. So props for that!
Yesterday we went on our first "geo-caching adventure".
Brad has a new GPS coming in today and in his GPS excitement, starting looking at geocaching stuff and found out there are TONS of geocaches around us.
So we bundled up and went out to find it.
Brad gave me the GPS and OFF I WENT!! charging through the forest, underbrush and small streams.
It was fun, and good exercise. Some people leave a calling card. One cute card was of a 5 year old dressed in his "adventurer outfit" hat, vest etc, with his online name. It was really cute.
Once you find the cache, you pick something out someone left before and then add something to the cache. I picked out a happy meal toy and we left a candle.
We kept running into the same group of deer a few times.
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