Another Dr. Update:
I saw my regular general Dr.
He is a sweetheart.
Summary...besides being run down and cranky I am fine.
There is no danger being off the meds and not monitored.
He also said they should be able to do the iodine thing no matter how the blood results come back. Blood results will be in Thursday afternoon.
There is nothing major they are testing for in my blood that would change anything.
He also reassured me, said I had every right to be angry with how they have handled me. Gave me his card, and another one to give to the Dr tomorrow and to tell him to forward all my records to him since he still hasn't done it. The Dr. today even told me if I need him to intervene he will gladly help out. So the guy totally sweet talked and pacified me today...even rubbed my shoulder and back a lot.
Sounds small...but those little reassuring gestures go along way.
Shows care and compassion, if its heartfelt or not. And means a lot to me.
My blood pressure was very good, I've got some fluid in my ears from the cold I have, but everything else looks fine. Being off the meds for 4 weeks will run me down and totally sap all my energy as it has. He said once I start the meds again I will be better, and within the week of starting them again I should be back to at least 75% of how I normally feel.
He told me to really give it to the guy tomorrow.
So I have my appt tomorrow. I want to pursue talking to him definitely, but I also want to pursue going ahead and doing the iodine thing since thats what I thought the appt was for, and it sounds like there is no reason not to. The only thing is they will want me to come back Fri for a body scan, and then I can start meds again. So maybe since the Fri thing wasnt scheduled they werent sure they could fit me in and thats why they want to put the whole thing off and blaming it on the blood results. TOUGH SHIT! So I will see what I can do tomorrow.
They only thing left I gotta do with this guy is radioactive iodine me up, and then scan it a few days later, and this is only to make sure during the body scan they got all the thyroid and thyroid related lymph nodes out of me since they were all cancerous. Surgically the Dr. was great, and I would expect that he cut everything out. So if they try to put this off....I am saying screw you and going back on the meds, we are done.
I am even more tired today, it seems like everyday I can tell a difference.
I have been trying to do stuff around the house, like putting away laundry, emptying waste cans, grocery shopping, and had the plumber this morning, then on top with Dr. aggravations I AM SO POOPED!!!
I am having a great time though resting my back in front of the computer today using WinMX. Soul Seek hasn't been working for me lately, so now I am using WinMX and HAVING A BALL!!!
Kool Moe Dee
LL Cool J
MC Lyte
Queen Latifah
Grace Jones
Punjabi MC
Lady Saw
De La Soul
Heavy D
Notorious B.I.G.
Doug E. Fresh
& Leon Redbone :)
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