I have been obsessively cleaning.
I guess it's not the worst thing in the world to be obsessive about.
But I have had trouble sleeping, wanting the morning to be there now so I could start attacking my to-do list of the next day. The house has never looked better though. 4 years of clutter and piles GONE! I feel better, happier when things are in order.
One of our extra bedrooms was used for storage, so much so you couldn't really walk in there. It is completely empty now except for the bunk beds, which we will be taking apart and moving to the basement. I washed each leaf of our fake ficus tree by hand yesterday, 4 years of dust gone. Vacuumed all the lampshades in the house. Pile in the bedroom..gone. Pile behind kitchen table...gone. Pile on the kitchen table...gone. Our office was a mess, you can see tabletop now, and I washed them clean, stacked all the papers up for Brad to go through sorting out which I can shred and which needs to be filed (since I have the habit of wanting to throw everything away) I got the vacuum hose and went over the baseboards and corners, under dressers and other hard to reach places. I bought flowers for the pots and backyard. I water flowers daily. Water the lawn every other day. Keep the bird feeder full. Washed and replaced the slipcovers and bathmats. Helped the tile guy replace our bathroom tiles. Brought a lot of stuff down to the basement. Spraying weeds in the garden...and other general straightenings.
Also we are going to seal coat the driveway on Sunday after we fill in cracks later today. I am gonna purchase 10 bags of mulch and lay that out.
I want to move the exercise bike and inversion table up to the newly emptied out bedroom (the table is now in our dining room, and bike is in the front room) once I take apart and move out the bunk beds. Use that as the exercise room, and then put the shelves back in to display Brad's Simpson's action figures. I want to go to Ikea and look at table to put in the dining room to use as a work table for my paint-by-numbers, Brad's watercolors, my jigsaw puzzles and such. (So we don't clutter up the kitchen table) Then I want a sofa and chair in the front room to turn the room more into a reading room since we have our huge bookcases in there. Now that I moved so much shit out of the way I can actually visualize this.
The only other big project things I can think of that I have been wanting to do is get the house power washed and have the shutters taken down and repainted a glossy chocolate brown.
Other than that...all the stuff we have thought about doing for the last 4 years is done, all the projects we have put off, of the piles we have stacked up. It feels good. So now I follow Brad around the house putting things back in place. Putting stuff on his dresser back in his basket. Straightening pillows. Making the bed. Putting away his slippers. Yes...a bit obsessive.
I don't have the job yet, they want me to do a phone interview with this guy Larry that was too busy working on a problem to meet with me the day I interviewed. Then that will seal the deal. That should happen Monday or Tuesday, then I should hear something back.
Off to walk dogs!!
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