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Chicago Sheri

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Had a scare yesterday.
Woke up to use the bathroom while Brad was getting ready for work and passed out.
I felt light headed, and for some reason was panting, although I'm not sure why, it just felt like what I should do, which I am sure just made me more light headed, things went dim to dark and then when I woke up I heard Brad's voice in another room on the phone. I thought I was still in the bathroom and he was on the phone handling a work call or something. Then I felt the carpet on my forehead and didn't know where I was or how I got there. So I called out for him, didn't think he heard me, so then spoke louder "I love you." Partly cause I didn't know what was going on, so I couldn't think of anything else to say and just wanted to let him know I was alright.
He was on the phone with 911. He came over told me I had passed out. He looked so frantic and I felt so bad, I kept apologizing to him for giving him such a scare. The paramedics were there very shortly after I woke up. Brad told them I passed out was unresponsive and he thought I had a seizure because when he went to check on me my eyes were open and fluttering and I was twitching all over like I short circuited or something. He had pulled me into the hall and laid me on my side cause 911 told him to do that in case I was nauseous so I didn't choke on my puke. As he was telling the paramedics about this, I asked him if he hurt his back, first thing in the morning and having to jerk me around and his back had been bothering him lately anyway, but of course he said he was fine, just visibly upset. I laid there while they asked us a bunch of questions, checked my blood sugar levels, and check my blood pressure. I felt much better. So I sat up for a bit, then stood up, walked around a little, then one of the paramedics started taking my blood pressure again and I got hot all over and my eyes started to go again. So they put me in the ambulance and took me to the hospital. Both paramedics were really nice.

At the hospital they did a cat scan, blood work, pee test, and an ekg, all were fine. But still....everytime I tried to sit up or stand up I felt faint. All this stuff going on really wore me out, I was tired. This guy George tried to get my blood work, he really hurt me, we thought he got some but then he told a nurse he didn't so she did it. George was tall, shaved head and had an Village People mustache and was just muscular and massive, but hurt the hell outta my arm! He kept moving it around this way and that as I squeezed Brad's hand, tensed up all over and squirmed my feet.

There was a nurse we called Uncle Leo, but it was a woman, we called her that cause she looked mad/mean but wasn't. It reminded us when Uncle Leo in Seinfeld lost his eyebrows and drew them in too dark and they made him look mad. She looked mad cause her mouth went down like the sides of her cheeks drooped a bit. But she was really cool and talked about her psycho sister in law to me that doctored up pictures of her kids to make the nurses brother look like he hurt his kids and how after it was proved she did that he still went back to her cause he loved her and that is only one of the many screwed up things she has done. I told her it sounded like it was time to step back away from her brother, because it kills me to see someone I care about make such serious mistakes and not listen to common sense, it would just eat away at me. She said thats how she is feeling.

So they couldnt find anything wrong with me really. After a nap and 1 1/2 liters of IV fluids I was able to sit, and then stand up. The nurse stayed with me while I tried this, after she left I started taking off all stuff they stuck on me and started getting dressed. Brad left while I was asleep to get a salad from the cafe since he hadn't eaten all day. I was shimmying the IV bag through my shirt when she came back, and she took it out for me and then Brad came back. They are forwarding all the stuff to my general doctor, and I am calling him later this morning to follow up with him.

We think it was multiple things:
Dehydration - I never drink enough, and maybe it caught up with me
Got out of bed too fast first thing in the morning
I wasn't feel too well the day before, might be a slight cold or something bringing me down
and they said something about optic static tension or something like that.
Since I don't drink much, the caffeine I do have probably doesnt help.

After I got released we went home. Brad finally broke. He had kept it together for me all morning and the poor guy was wiped out and just cried. It really upset him to see me the way he found me this morning. He was tired but unable to sleep, head still going. We laid in bed together and then I fell asleep for a bit. After I woke, we went downstairs, he made a small pizza for us to eat and we watched a movie "Assisted Living" Really excellent movie about a janitor at an assisted living place. You should rent it!
I drank a few diet lemon limes drinks too.

I called my therapist cause I had an appt that Brad called and canceled for me, and the Doc was worried. He said the zoloft I take can sometimes factor into what happened, even though it's never happened before. And I rescheduled him to later today at 5pm.

I called Starbucks Jan to see if Lenny was still there with her but he had left. She told me she was about to go to her appt with the atty with all the paperwork they requested. She was ready but really down about the whole thing, I told her I would be thinking about her. Then I called Starbucks Lenny. Cause Lenny wanted to have lunch yesterday and I didn't want him thinking I was blowing him off again and hated his guts. Cause last time we made lunch plans I canceled because it was Valentines Day to I told him that I was sorry but was going to have lunch with Brad. Lenny worries all the time, worries about being annoying or too pushy so I didn't want to get the wrong idea and he sounded really happy I called him just to let him know when I had just gotten home from the hospital.

Had trouble sleeping at first last night/tonight whichever. I cuddled with Brad and then slept for a little over an hour but then fully woke up. So I sat up in bed for a few minutes, and then woke up Brad and told him I was hungry and wanted to go down to fix something to eat. He told me to take my cell phn with to have in case I needed him. I have it in my robe pocket now. No dizziness, feeling fine and ate a peanut butter and jelly. Maybe now I will be able to go back to sleep.


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