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Chicago Sheri

Friday, August 19, 2005

The phone interview I had yesterday I thought went well....
He kept me on the phone for a full 45 minutes, but then I got a call back they wanted a higher skill set.
He asked me some really detailed technical questions, that right off hand I wasn't sure of and had to say "I don't know". Cause offhand, I don't..it would take some poking around.
That was with Calyon, a french investment bank.

Today I had a formal interview with a company I already passed the phone interview with.
I think it went well. They said I will hear back from them middle of next week. I hardly said "I don't know", I think only twice. And they even patted me on the back when I said what they were looking for by saying stuff like "Yes, that covered exactly what I was looking for!" or giving me nods of approval. Last night I went over unix commands and what they did to refresh a little with some of the questions I didn't know the answers to from the phone interview I didn't do so well on. Went over my notes while eating some cereal in Cereality across the street from my interview to get ready.

Of course I got sick and panicked right before the interview as I always do. But it went well, let's see what happens. And I got an email about another job lead from some other recruiters.

After the interview I went to the W for a bathroom break. Got an apple and a swanky glass bottle of water. Called Brent, went over to his office and gave him the water and apple. I had never been in his office before. I have seen pictures, but wanted to see his desk and the people he worked with. He has a nice window cube. We were going to Qdoba, but stopped at a place that was on the way that we hadn't been to before instead on Wells and Van Buren. The Irishy pub place...forget the name.

On the way back we stopped into CVS so I could buy some poster board and make a "UNIX Admin for hire" sign.
I mean...it was lunch time, lots of people were out...might as well. So on the front was the "UNIX Admin for hire" and on the back I wrote "I grep like a mo fo!" Held it up high above my head as we walked so everyone could see it. I think it went over well. Lots of people reading my sign. Brent took my picture. After I dropped him off and walked around some more I got stopped by two guys about my job search. They asked if I was interested in working for Bank blah blah, I told them that's where I got fired from. They asked if knew Clearcase and I told them I installed it. So then they asked why I got fired and I told them, and they couldnt believe I got fired for that, perfectly familiar with the required paper reports, and asked if I would be interested in being a consultant for them. I said I would, and gave them my resume. Turns out they knew me. Said they remembered me from work I had done for them before and again couldn't believe I was fired. It's amazing how these other people from groups I did work for remember me like that!! So maybe I will hear back from them and be back at the bank.....Now wouldn't THAT be funny?!?!


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