Wednesday, April 27, 2005
Sunday, April 24, 2005
I'm in at work right now, since 6am ish.
Some problem with a UPS happened last night and brought down all our server rooms.
But it's starting to slow up a bit now...
Yesterday driving back home from walking the dogs, I drove past a car accident and of course took pics.
It looked like one van just lost control, no cops or ambulances there yet. They hit a stone based street light that brought it down and smashed it into the street. The stayed up on the curb, hitting a bunch of fences, trees and some big power box. About 5 to 7 cars were pulled over on their cell phones all calling 911 I am sure. It was right across the street from a church. A family with a little girl in her communion dress were standing on the side of the road, also on their cell phone. People running out of their houses.
This is the beginning of it, where they hit the street light.
Saturday, April 23, 2005
Active day with the dogs despite the cold weather.
Lots of new dogs since last week.
I took out Bandit first, a St Bernard mix. Big soulful droopy eyes,and yet very playful. Great dog to hug and kiss.
Then I walked Bentley, a Puggles, which is a Pug and something mix but I forget what...Beagle maybe?
He was a stocky little sausage. Likes to play tug-of-war with the leash and a lot stronger than he looks. But tug-of-war was as rough as he got, he was just really playful and excited. And makes lots of goofy faces because of his under bite.
Jonny is a big Mastiff mix. Like a big cowardly lion. Very hesitant and unsure of everything. He can pull really hard when he sees something he wants to go to, but still quite the big baby. He would lean into me for me to hug and kiss him, but then his tail was still dropped down between his legs and his back legs shivering. Beautiful dog.
I am always amazed about someone finding a stray Chihuahua. It's just too freezing here for such things!! He had some over-grown nails I clipped. They put a little sweater on him. Even for his small size he looked underweight. Just wants to be held, and the perfect size for it too. Soon as you put him down to leave he starts crying. The most sad sad cry too...I had thoughts of stealing him in my coat, and just stowing him in everyday to work with me.
Trixie and Ladybug are still there. I spent time with Trixie (german shepard) in her kennel with her. She laid in my lap and closed her eyes. I wanted to curl up and take a nap with her. She is on hold, so should find a home very soon. There was a scuffle as I was sitting with Trixie. After I left her kennel and looked into the kitchen area, Ladybug was getting her head cleaned off. Another dog named Nova apparently attacked her as they were passing each other and Nova bit into her head and she now has 2 small punctures. From what I heard she gave right back to Nova pretty good though. She has a cute name but doesn't take any shit. She got some treats out of the whole thing and some extra babying and totally milked it up. She was really good about people poking at her wounds and cleaning her up.
Saturday, April 16, 2005
Really nice day out, the grass is greening up.
Dogs were really happy and playful.
First I walked Rosie, she is 7 years old, and I was very happy to see she was on hold for a family today.
I like the little gray around her mouth she has.
Then I walked Trixie, a very timid shepherd. She would get excited and wound up and then throw her body down on the ground like she wanted to shrivel up and disappear from embarrassment. After awhile she was running around, chasing me and jumping all over me. I got the leash burns to prove it!
Last I walked Ladybug. So cute and with a cutesy name like that. A pit bull that was in the run outside tried to scare her and she gave it right back real good too! I was so proud of her.
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
Favorite web cam shots from Fog City Doggie Day Care today:
Sunday, April 10, 2005
Had Friday off for Brad's birthday and also as a comp day because I am working today on some weekend project.
Besides work, having a really good weekend.
Really enjoyed my time with Brad. Friday we went to the Museum of Science and Industry to see the latest exhibit "Body Worlds".
The exhibition features more than 200 authentic human specimens, including entire bodies, individual organs and transparent body slices that have been preserved through the process of “plastination,” a technique that replaces bodily fluids and fat.
Pretty cool stuff. His parents took a train in and met us up there. Spent a good 4 to 5 hours there walking around, and saw one of the IMAX Body movies.
Yesterday I didn't walk dogs since we had guests. We ran a few errands, and spent most of the time in the local downtown area going in and out of shops and then splitting some entrees at Joy Yee's. Watched Spanglish then I went to bed early since I had to be at work at 6am....YUCK!
So besides work, really enjoyed spending time with Brad and the in-laws.
Now at work in my camo and pink flip flops....they are lucky I didn't wear my pj's....
Wednesday, April 06, 2005
Saturday, April 02, 2005
Walked Shorty first, a pit mix.
Then Leo, not quite sure what mix he is.
I spent a lot of time with both dogs. Both of them are lap dogs and laid back. So I spent most of the time curled up somewhere with them on my lap, arms around them, kissing their heads. Their black covered fur just basking in the sun warming up my hands on them.
Before we left (but I didn't get any pictures) another woman, Brad and I each took out 1 of the 3 pit puppies.
They were all scared of the leash, never been on one before and it freaked them out. You could walk a little and they would stay put, then you had to stop...crouch down and coax them over, then do that several more times. When we got them all together they were distracted by playing with each other that they were able to forget about being scared of their leashes and just play. When it was time to bring them back in, it was too much trouble to coax them in, so we all scooped our puppies up and walked them inside.