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Chicago Sheri

Thursday, October 30, 2003

Ob-La-Di Ob-La-Da (more screeching!) :)

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Been busy today, just getting a chance to post a bit from last night.

Went to a book reading at Barbara's Book Store on Wells. Daphne Gottlieb was reading from her recent book Final Girl. We have some mutual friends, but it was our first time meeting. Liza was there, and some new people I met too.

I hadn't been to a poetry reading before. The first couple things she read totally didnt register with me, I had trouble adjusting to the rhythm of them. Its not the same as reading a short story, and I'm just not used to it.
But then she read one about a babysitter and one called slut, and I heard the words and followed much better. I enjoyed them.
She read one about getting her mother dressed. Her mother passed away last year. That one was tough, I tried to think about baseball and not get weepy when I felt it coming on. But I let 2 slip out down my cheek, so I just sat still and waited for them to dry up.
The book was written over a span of a couple years, a lot of the tone changed when her thoughts were more of her mother towards the ending.

I took a few shots, nothing much.

After the reading we went across the street to Old Town Pub. I had fish & chips! :) and caught a late train home.

Sunday, October 26, 2003

Had a nice day, hung out with Heidi.
She lives only 5 min from me and Brad.
We went out to lunch today to White Fence Farm.
ITS HUGE!! I wanna go back and take Brad there too, really nice place, and even better THEY HAVE A PETTING ZOO!!
We got some of the pellet food to feed them, there were llamas, goats, sheep, and a few roosters too. The llamas have the softest lips. The goats let us touch them the most, they liked me scratching their faces. They were just cool to watch, a few of them butting each other, then as some other people left I thought I saw something under a nearby truck, so we walked over and there were roosters hanging out under the truck. They came out as we got closer, and let us get pretty close to them.

Then I took her to a cool Mexican bakery Brad & I like Gigante Bakery.
We both picked up treats to take home to the guys.
Walked around Michael's a bit, and then we both headed home.
She's gonna go to a Halloween party next weekend with me.

Ensley 3 weeks old

Saturday, October 25, 2003

A lot of dogs got adopted this week!!!
Sassy, Greta, Amos, Petey, Sprite (the deaf dog), all 4 of the puppies from last week, Henry, and Mulligan!!!

And they still got plenty of new dogs for adoption too.

I walked Nova first. He's new. Very playful and sweet. Lots of energy.

When I went in to put Nova back, I noticed Brad was walking Kane. Kane is warming up to us. Brad gave him treats, that helped too. Later I went back in and Kane was back from his walk so I went in his kennel to get him some more water. When I went back in with it, I stayed with him for awhile. He smelled me from top to bottom, and got real close in my face, it seemed like a test. I pet his head and kissed him all over his face, the fur on his face is so soft, and I found out he loves for his butt to be scratched.

Next I walked Bruno. German Shepard mix. I thought he would pull me around, but he was actually very sweet, liked to jump up and say hi. It looked like he had a cyst removed from his back that was healing up. Because of his name I was drawn to talking to him with an Italian accent, and sang Eh Cumpari to him.
Eh Cumpari, ci vo sunari Chi si sona? U friscalettu.
E comu si sona u friscalettu?
u friscalette, tipiti tipiti tam.

E cumpari, ci vo sunari. Chi si sona? U saxofona,
E comu si sona u saxofona? Tu tu tu tu u saxofona
u friscalette, tipiti tipiti tam.

E cumpari, ci vo sunari. Chi si sona? U mandolinu.
e comu si sona u mandolinu? a plig a plin, u mandulin,
tu tu tu tu u saxofon
u friscalette, tipiti tipiti tam.

E cumpari, ci vo sunari? Chi si sona? u viulinu.
E comu si sona u viulinu? A zing a zing, u viulin,
a pling a pling, u mandulin
tu tu tu tu u saxofon
u friscalette, tipiti tipiti tam.

E cumpari, ci vo sunari? Chi si sona? a la trumbetta.
e comu si sona a la trombetta? Papapapa a la trumbetta,
A zing a zing, u viulin,
a pling a pling, u mandulin
tu tu tu tu u saxofon
u friscalette, tipiti tipiti tam.

E compari, ci vo sunari? Chi si sona? a la trombona.
e comu si sona a la trombona. A fumma a fumma a la trombona,
Papapapa a la trumbetta,
A zing a zing, u viulin,
a pling a pling, u mandulin,
tu tu tu tu u saxofon
u friscalette, tipiti tipiti tam.

But of course I couldnt remember all the words so I made up italian sounding words and put his name in the song too. :)

I also took out a 1 year old Dachshund, and scared the piss out of her. She was so tiny, I wasnt holding onto the leash as tightly as I should have. For walking her I had one of the retractable leashes. There was a crinkly plastic poop bag tied to the handle. She yanked and it came out of my hand as we were walking out. The leash retracted and bumped into her, made her scared and she yelped and then started running with the crinkly bag and plastic handle chasing her. She was yelping and running all over. Circled the van a couple of times...I was so worried about her running into the street! But she just circled our van a few times and then ran back at the door, I caught up with her at the door. She looked absolutely terrified. I felt so horrbile!
I sat out on the curb with her and she crawled up in my lap while I apologized to her. We kissed and made up, and I gave her lots of soothing hugs and pets, and held her in my arms. Brad came out and she crawled into his arms too. I didnt get a chance to snap pics of her, I will next week if she is still there.

Now we are both back home, Brad made some chili. So we are gonna eat chili and watch football, and Im gonna soak in a hot hot bath.

Thursday, October 23, 2003

Been really busy at work lately.
Its good, day goes by faster, and I've been doing shit without fucking anything up. And actually got somemore recognition stuff at work. They have this super gay SPIRIT thing going on....eventually it will phase out and everything goes back to normal. This latest shit is really super gay though, Im just surprised a huge bank is doing that motivational crap. Motivational stuff could be ok...but this shit is super cheesy.

Maybe I could be cheese for Halloween, and call myself the bank spirit. As much as I want to, they pay me very well to put up with cheesy crap...so I should just shuttup.

I am tempted to sell the motivational 2 hour tape I have though, maybe on Ebay. I do think it really could have cult status.

Wednesday, October 22, 2003

Website Weds

Tech excuse generator (Thanks Brad)
Bum wine review
Steve dances
Bus swerve
Bubble Trouble
Move Your Feet

Sunday, October 19, 2003

When we got there today to walk the dogs, the puppies were out in the run area. We stopped in for a bit with them. When Brad sat down they all jumped all over him fighting for the best spot and all the attention. When one would sit sweetly in his lap, another one would jump on the puppy. There were 4 pups, so everything went a lot smoother when I sat down and we gave one arm to one pup. Having one of them on each side of us. That made them happy.

I went to go see if Sassy was still there. She was! Her hot pink sweater was being washed, so I put the red one on her before we went out. When she trots her ears with the pink bows in them flow behind her. She has such a light little skip in her walk. I would be too tempted to color her ears blue, green or red.

Henry has a gorgeous face and eyes. Beautiful dog, terrier mix. He loves hearing his name. As we sat and played, I started singing a made up Henry the dog song, and he just got so excited by it, everytime I got to his name, he would jump around from side to side "That's me! I'm Henry!"

Sprite is a tiny little dog like Sassy, except he is deaf. He is super active, I didnt really have to walk him much, I just spun around in a circle as he ran in fast circles around me. Little white blur running close to the ground. He would run till he was tired and then throw his body down on the ground and roll around a bit. Then after a few minutes of rest, he would run some more. He was really sweet, liked the attention. He had a good work out, when I went to put him back the dogs jump and bark in theri kennels, he jumped at the dogs too. He walked in his own kennel, and as I was getting the leash off him to close the kennel he attacked my hand. Luckily he is a small dog so it wasnt any big deal, but it was just weird. He was so sweet, now he was growling and tearing at my hand. Maybe the other dogs got him riled? I asked the staff, cause it was the first time I walked him, so maybe it was common, the person didnt seem know. I went back by his kennel and stuck in my hand to pet him and he was back to his sweet self.

Brad walked Amos first, he was looking forward to seeing him again. Brad said he thinks he likes Petey and Greta best. They seem to have the most personality. Amos likes his walks, he pulls his way out the door. I stopped in his kennel to take a few pics and pet him. He seems to be coming out of his shell more this week, barking when dogs walk by. Big deep soulful bloodhound howls.

Coco has a little cut on the end of her nose. The staff said it was from sticking her nose out the kennel the way she did.

Mulligan was the last dog I walked. He is HUGE, but very gentle and sweet, didn't pull me at all, walked real slow with me. His fur is amazingly thick. He is great to hug.

Thursday, October 16, 2003

Brad has class tonight, so I stopped by the shelter after work.
Walked a few dogs. Petey was still there, and so was Greta and Amos.
Bear, Angelica, Mugsy, and Maddie were gone.
I was surprised Petey was still there.
I walked him first, we had some play time together. :)

There was a new dog Sassy.
A tiny poodle mix, practically shaved. Wearing a hot pink sweatshirt with flowers on it and pink bows in her ears. She was so overdone...I couldnt resist. She's one of those tiny dogs that just wants to be held and constantly shakes. Her little outfit was so adorable. If she is still there Saturday I will take her picture.

Wednesday, October 15, 2003

Website Weds

Dirty Sanchez (music)
Sleepy...so sleepy!
Fly eating frog
Destruction 2
How to tell the relationship is over

Saturday, October 11, 2003

Just got back from walking dogs at the Humane Society. Brad's feet hurt and we are both ready for our afternoon nap. He walks his dogs each one mile, and I walk more like 1/2 a mile but then we sit and play in the field next to the building. I think Petey was my favorite today. I took him out first after I said "hi" to everyone. He is a 10 month old whippet. Someone must have turned him in, cause he had his own pooh bear and rope toy. I can't imagine why anyone would turn him in. For being only 10 months, he is so calm and gentle. Knows how to sit. Affectionate, doesnt jump up or bite. So sweet and beautiful. He will find a home in no time. He had super soft fur. We sat down for a bit, while I pet and kissed him.

Amos was a bloodhound that Brad walked. Big, long, soft ears, very affectionate.

Angelica is a pit bull mix. She wasn't sure she wanted me to walk her at first, when I opened her cage she backed up like she was afraid of me. So I squatted low and talked softly to her, and held out my hand. I wasn't gonna push it, just see if she changed her mind. She slowly came up, gave my hand a whiff and then let me pet her. She gave me the ok to take her out.

Mugsy is a 1 year old beagle. Someone told me he was turned back in. I can't understand why, he was a very good dog. Knew sit, didn't pull liked to be pet and touched.

Greta is a Shepard mix, she has a big boxy head. She seemed very independent and disinterested in me during our walk, but when I sat down and pet her a little she really liked that. She sat down in front of me so I could pet her more. When it was time to put her back in her cage, she did not want to go. She became 300 pounds of dead weight. She pushed her body up against the wall. Then she laid down on her side and I had to slide her over to the cage, then I got in the cage trying to coax her in. Someone else came up and gave me a big soft beef dog treat for her, she came in the cage with me but kept blocking the door...even with her treat. It was a real battle, but she was a very sweet dog.

Joey was a pit bull mix puppy. He has such cute ears! He knew sit. He likes to chew on little wood sticks and twigs, so we played fetch with some sticks, he liked that. We rolled around in the grass together, he jumped all over me giving me kisses, he was very kissy. I held him in my lap hugging him, and he kissed my neck and face all over. I gave him lots of kisses too.

Kane was a gorgeous dog, but very hesitant. He didnt want me to walk him, so I left him alone. Brad had the same reaction from him. When I came back from walking his neighbor Angelica, he warmed up to me a bit through his cage, but it seemed he liked the cage, felt protected in it, so I just let him smell my hand and touched him through the cage a bit before we left.

Now time for an afternoon nap.