Wednesday, January 28, 2004
Sunday, January 25, 2004
Shadow got adopted. Tortilla has put on noticeable weight just since last week. The 2 spots over his eyes turned out to be from cigarette burns. Such a happy lovey dog after all he has been through. Quite a few of the dogs had holds on them being held for adoptions. Nice to see.
There were quite a few other walkers there today. I only walked one dog. We spent time with them inside playing mostly.
I walked Bernie. 1 of 2 stray Chihuahuas. Such an odd picture. Stray Chihuahuas?!? In January?! Poor cold dogs! He didn't want to walk past the other dogs to go outside, he pulled back, so I picked him up and carried him out. He didnt want to go outside to cold. But I put him down for a bit so he would go, and then picked him back up. I unbuttoned my coat a little and put him in, so he could warm up. He growled at the other dogs stopping to say hi. Bernie and I watched Brad with a pitbull Emily. Emily wanted to play and not go back in, so they went in the outside run and he threw the tennis ball for her for a bout 15 minutes. She played very nice.
Brad spent some time with Tortilla in his kennel. He was all worked up and excited.
Sambuka is a pit/dalmatian mix. Beautiful dog. Black/white face with one brown eye and one blue. Sambuka really liked Brad. Brad sat down in his kennel with him and Sambuka just backed right up in his lap and then flopped over showing his belly. Everytime he would hear a noise or another dog he would flop his head over in that direction. I think he knows he is cute and works it. He was super aware when people were heading his direction and would sit. The nice sit, seemed to showcase him more...and he ate it up. Everyone stopped to tell him how cute he was.
Duke was next door to Sambuka. At first we wanted to say hi, but he seemed to jumpy when we went for the kennel door. But later I went in and he was totally calm. He is a pit mix, 1 years old. Big guy. Got up in my face. So I just kissed his face and smelled his fur. Then I started pushing him around, and he just turned to butter and flopped down when I'd push him. Rubbed his belly. We'd listen as people walked by admiring Sambuka. Duke was listening to the people and noticing they werent talking to him. I think he was getting sick of his neighbor. Brad came in with us, so Duke now had a cageful. Brad fed him by hand as he laid down between us. His appetite picked up, and later we moved the bowl over by us and he ate most of it and then drank some water. We tested his temperament. I pulled his tail while he ate, played with his feet (some dogs are touchy about their feet), put my hand by his mouth and food while he ate. He was wonderful, nothing bothered him. He enjoyed being served by us. Feeding him, having us dote on him. It was nice. He was just so calm and laid back.
Wednesday, January 21, 2004
Monday, January 19, 2004
Watched Blood Simple tonight.
I didn't know what it was about.
I liked it a lot.
No work tomorrow for me & Brad!
Saturday, January 17, 2004
Frank, Molly, Lucky, Corona, Greta, and Tyson got adopted.
They got a bunch of puppies in, like about 10. 5 with one litter and 5 with the other.
I walked Shadow first. It was her first walk of the day, she didn't go out during the 8 o'clock walks. Super sweet dog. I really love her. She walked backwards almost the whole time. Just wanting to watch me and keep her eye on me, tail wagging the whole time. Very soft, likes to kiss real sweetly. Smelled good. I spent a lot of time with her, just a great dog to hug and give attention to. She makes it easy.

Next I walked a crazy Husky named Rascal, no photos of Rascal. Another humping dog. I couldnt get a picture of him I was too busy shoving him off me. We did a conga line walking all the way back inside.
Next was Emily, a pit mix. Nice, but very short attention span. I would squat down to pet her and she got happy, and then something would catch her eye and she would drift away and then look my way and then perk up like she didnt see me there and it was all new to her. She spent a most of the time digging in the ice and then chewing it up.

Last was another dog I really loved like Shadow, another Lab named Tortilla. Tortilla was a stray picked up by animal control. He is super under weight, You can see his ribs, and when I pet him his hip bones really stick out. There were 2 spots over his eyes where some vet work was done. Maybe some scratches that got infected? Not sure. He isn't just a stray, I could tell he used to be a house dog. He peed as soon as we went out, and could sit on command. This dog is another one so easy to love. Super soft fur, smells great, sweet kisses. Loves to be pet and touched. So lovable and huggable.

Friday, January 16, 2004
We've been fraudulized!
I think it's kinda cool in a weird way.
Like maybe its Al Qaeda! Whoo-hoo!
I had a message from credit card fraud when I got back from lunch.
There were several charges this morning on my ATM debit card in Haiti.
I only use that card for the ATM, never for purchases.
Brad and I both have our cards, they aren't missing.
I always keep my ATM receipts to give to Brad to balance our checking account with. And he shreds all that stuff. He loves to shred!
So its just weird. They actually made a card. They charged 28.52 at 6:40am EST, and then $370.73. They got bolder and went for $1188, and $1200, but they both got denied then.
So I called the card people, they are issuing new cards for us. And once the $28.52 and $370.73 post to our checking account, then I call claims to open a case with them, which should be any day now. THey will refund us the amounts once we open the case.
Iv'e never had anything like this happen before.
I found it kind of exciting.
Wednesday, January 14, 2004
Website Weds
Gay boyfriend Great video!! by The Hazzards
Volare Karaoke
Moose Attack
Sunday, January 11, 2004
Watched Frida the other night.
I liked it, but I didn't feel it told me much about her still.
I thought she did lots of small but very detailed paintings.
Loved the dance scene, very sexy, and Selma is very hot.
My sister had her first hockey lesson yesterday.
I am so excited for her. She loves hockey. Big fan.
Her and I had ice skating lessons when we young, and she recently bought herself a pair of hockey skates. A friend of hers is taking the lessons with her. She will eventually be looking into joining a team. I cant wait to see my sister play hockey and check every bitch that gets in her way!! :)
Getting ready for bed. The new Surreal Life is on tonight. I can't wait to see Tammy Faye Baker with Ron Jeremy. I heard they got along really great. I like both of them, both are kooky in a fun way. Also a new Home Movies tonight on the Cartoon Network.

Saturday, January 10, 2004
Brad's sister and family came for a visit last minute yesterday.
I like his sister a lot, and was excited about getting some time with our nephew Shawn as well as having their dog around our house.
We got up to go see the dogs, so that when we came back home, they could go to Ikea and the mall, while we watched Shawn and hung around the house.
Zoe, Abby, Paxton, Bear, Muffasa all got adopted! Gabe was gone, but was euthanized. I hate saying that, I half wanted to lie about it. The girl that told me got all choked up, she liked him a lot too. We both tried to understand the reasoning. Most of the pitbulls are mixes, he was pure pit. He wasn't a socialized dog, he was outside most of the time. Even though he was a sweet baby, people wonder and hesitate about pits. Could he snap, and just hadn't had the opportunity arise? I was fine when she told me, I think cause she was upset, so I remained open minded and neutral about it. But then later when I told JAG about it in the car I cried. I still kinda understand why they did it, and its much better to be put to sleep than to die in a dog fight, or in freezing weather or of starvation. He had food, attention, love, toys, died happy. Just Goli memories, same color, I guess it just triggered something.
Another sad note: Greta was back. I thought it looked and acted like Greta, but now she had a new name...which I forget already...cause she is Greta to me. I guess she had seperation anxiety, and it was too much for her new home. But on the good side...she already had a family that was interested in her and was on hold.
So anyway....
I walked Frank first a pitbull. 5 months old. Playful and sweet, beautiful. Already housetrained and knows "sit".
Brad asked me to check out a dog named Molly. She cowered from him. I tried to coax her out for a walk, and she didn't want to step outside her kennel. Nervous. So I went in a sat with her. A girl came by and said she was just brought in an hour ago. When she came in all the dogs barked at her and made her upset and scared. She still was shaken. Gorgeous face, looked like she had eyeliner on. Super soft fur, no shedding. Trimmed nails and smelled good. So turned in by someone not stray. I pulled her over to me and hugged her. Told her how she would have a home in time, and would have a very short stay here. Holding her made her relax a little. Then she laid down up against me. Still with the look of fear on her face. After relaxing a bit we were able to coax her out. Brad took her out for bit.
While he took Molly out for a walk, I took out a new dog Lucky. Cocker Spaniel. Already on hold by a family, hope it works out. Lucky looks like an Ewok. Curly, soft plushie! Playful, sweet. Little stump of a tail always wagging.
And last was a lab Brad really liked. Big sloppy dog named Corona. Very behaved. Likes to play toss with a tennis ball, and will give it back to you. Im holding the tennis ball up behind the camera. Such a sweet face, "TOSS IT! TOSS IT! TOSS IT!!!!!"
Friday, January 09, 2004
I got into an argument yesterday at work.
I feel pretty good about it.
He had it coming, I had the upper hand and sounded better.
I think all that overheard the match would agree.
This guy in my group always has a snotty attitude with me.
If I ask him a question, instead of answering, he asks me 20 questions.
He seems to go out of his way to put me down and make a big stink about anything I do wrong or questionable.
So yesterday a questionable situation came up. He wanted to know why I closed some ticket, and of course he cc'd a bunch of people on it. At first I was going to completely ignore it and blow it off. Because no one else gave a damn except him. But then decided to go over to his desk and address it directly. I told him why, he started telling me I should have this and I should have that. And I told him I completely disagree with him.
Then he got up to walk away, I told him to come back and sit down, there was more I wanted to address than just this situation. Of course he stopped, but refused to sit, and instead stood with his arms crossed. (big baby)
I told him he seems to have some animosity towards me and wanted to know why. He denied it. I told him I respected him and wanted his help if he was willing to give it, but whenever he seemed to be saying anything to me its wasnt helpful, it was just to put me down or mount me publicly. I asked if him if feels competitive with me. Which really pissed him off. (haha) And he started talking really loud saying "I DO NOT FEEL COMPETITIVE WITH YOU!". I told him that was good, since there was no reason for him to feel that way (with my concerned anchor person look on my face).
Then he started yelling that he was always cleaning up my messes and was tired of it. I told him he didnt have to do it, just send it back to me if thats the case. "No, no...I'll do it". "So then, you don't HAVE to, you CHOOSE to". I told him I also worked tickets of his where people said the problem wasnt resolved. But instead of "grandstanding", I just fixed the problem and closed the ticket back up. I think anyone else on our team would have reacted the same way. Something is wrong, fix it. No need to make an issue out of it. Thats what a team is for. He vehemently denied ever having done any ticket or situation ever wrong over and over and told me to show him one ticket where that was the case. I said "Fine, from now on I will."
But then the real reason came out of his mouth. He was saying how he vividly remembers when I was in training, and was sitting with him and I didn't take any notes. Which made me laugh, and pissed him off. "That was 3 years ago...I cant believe you are holding a grudge over that!" I think he realized how stupid that sounded so then went back to the "I am tired of cleaning up your messes" routine. I didnt take notes because he wasnt saying anything worth taking note of.... but whatever...what an ego!
I told him, he goes out of his way to put me down, no one else does that.I went back and tried to illustrate by using a few of our past issues, and how other team members would have handled it compared to him. He just said "Well that is them". So this is going nowhere. "Fine, I just wanted to address the issue with you...whatever". I walked off, and he went for a smoke. It was very quiet in our area after that. But I think it earned me some respect from the other guys sitting around.
Thursday, January 08, 2004
When I am walking to or from work, sometimes I get songs in my head that help me pick up my speed. The last few days I can't get the Milk Shake song out of my head.
They're like, it's better than yours
Damn right, it's better than yours.
I can teach you, but i have to charge
Wednesday, January 07, 2004
Website Weds
Bostons Jonathan Arons - White boy CAN DANCE! (I love this guy)
Avoid falling spikes of doom
Happy Man
Near far...wherever you are...
Save the world with underpants
Foamy rant (Thanks Sunny)
Grover:The sad story behind that loveable smile
Tuesday, January 06, 2004
One day last week, the temperature was in the 60's.
I went out to lunch without a coat.
Today, with wind chill, it was 20 below.
Just how the hell does that happen?!?
Saturday, January 03, 2004
I went to walk the dogs before I went home, after work this morning.
Brad is still getting over his cold, so he stayed home.
I brought him a Wendy's hamburger on my way home.
The 2 rat terriers (the one that sat on my arm), as well as Nala, and Lucky (Sir Humps-a-lot) all got adopted this week!
Gabe was outside in the run when I got there.
Gorgeous pit bill. Very lean, short soft fur.
And such a bug sweet baby for such a big scary dog that he could be.
He has such a blockhead, like he could ram doors with it.
As tank-like as he is built...I dont think he knows it.
Another dog I was walking, got all in his face wanting to start something, and he just looked surprised like "Geez! What did I do?", instead of having the instinct of knowing who he was and how much carnage he could really do if he wanted to. When I was winding things up to go home, he was back in his kennel and I went and sat with him, for a little downtime for us both. I love short haired dogs. The fur is so soft, and I like being able to feel their body heat, its comforting, and snuggly. He has this dip between his eyes on his big blockhead, I can fit 2 fingers in. He is very snuggly, and just wanted his belly rubbed and to be scratched all over. Couldnt get enough of it. So surprising...such a sweet social dog. He was an outside dog. Didnt have much human interaction, but not standoffish from it, just a sweet baby.
I walked Paxton first. Beautiful dog. The bluest eyes I've seen on a dog. But still so much of a puppy. He is 7 months old. Lots of energy and a short attention span. I like dogs a little more mellow. Thats why I like older dogs. He has the white stripe on his nose like Goliath did.

Abby was next. Poor thing has heartworm. They took her to the vet after I walked her to clear it up. She is sweet and affectionate. JAG spent time with her last week. A good dog to have downtime with.

Bear was a big lumbering lab. Very wide dog. A little standoffish at first. He likes to make sure you really want him before he gives in. So I just grabbed his big body and gave him lots of tight hard hugs, then he started leaning into it. He smelled good. Just that good dog smell that I like. Eventually he rested his head on my arm as I hugged him firmly and kissed his face.

Tyson is a collie mix. Real sweet and kissy. But for some reason acted like he wanted to tear into Gabe when I was taking him out for a walk. Likes to act like a bad-ass with the other dogs for such a fluffy looking dog.

Muffasa has a real intense stare, and LOVES LOVES LOVES his belly being rubbed.