Went to Starbucks. Jack wasn't there today but some of the other regulars are starting to notice me and give me the secret nod. I sit outside and do some crosswords. Listen in on the other people around me. The locals that go there and talk have been here forever and talk about how much things have changed since they moved here, and local political issues. So I just mostly listen in.
Then I went to walk dogs.I walked Zero first. Don't know about her name...Her ears were dirty and really bothered her, she kept sliding around on the side of her face to scratch them. So I took her back inside, cleaned them out as best I could and then put in the liquid ear cleaner stuff, to help her out. Poor girl, she was going crazy with her itchy ears. She was funny though, made lots of funny faces.
Then I walked Mango. He was all sweet and lovey dovey, then he started nibbling on me. Nibbling on my ears, and then just got al worked up and was nibbling my chin, my hair and jumping all over me. I got tossed around in the grass for awhile, then managed to get up. Put my ponytail back in and then he jumped up for another hug. And he does hug too. Jumps up with his paws al stretched out and just stays up like that. He is a lover, and just doesnt realize that I am not a compact muscular pit like him that can give it back. Look at those eyes trying to hypnotize me in the second picture!! He is the Pepe Le Pew of dogs!!
So then I took out Molly. Over 5 years old, has that Satchel look from Get Fuzzy look on her face. A bit wide, like she was given a lot of table scraps, but perfect for hugging. She is shy, likes to look away, and sit with her back to me, but she leans in on me, letting me hug on her. Like she is the Giving Tree or something.
Had lunch at the Aramark cafeteria, it was alright, got a sandwich, ate half and brought the rest home. Then mowed the lawn, watered flowers and watered the lawn tonight.
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Monday, August 29, 2005
Ok.. I was just being dramatic and ridiculous!
Had my interview, it went fine. It was at 1pm.
I thought all that anxiety meant that either I would have lipstick on my teeth for the entire interview (not to say I didn't, but they weren't staring at my teeth at least) or my absolute worst fear that I would fall down on my face and shatter all of my teeth. To my knowledge neither happened.
The interview went fine. I met with four people. Again, I think I have a really good chance at this one too. Yeah, I felt the same way last time too but, maybe I was really good there too and someone just had a little more mad skillz than me but the interview did go really well and it was close. So maybe same here, I think it went well, they have one more person to interview, so yeah, that person could be super wowie unix smart, but we will see. They said I should hear back from them by the end of this week or beginning of the next week. Deep sigh of relief, the interview is done and over with, no other ones set up for this week (so far). So just smooth sailing this week now on, and my sister is coming for a visit this weekend. No touristy stuff, just wants to shop and hang out. Sounds great to me!
It's going to be fine
It's going to be fine.....
I'm stressing about the interview, not just normal stress.
But the recruiter never got back with me on Friday about the address, suite number or if it was at 11am or 1pm! I looked up the address online, not sure about which suite though....or time.
Left her a message with my home and cell number, as I am getting ready cause I gotta take the train downtown, a local, which takes over an hour just to get to Union Station.
I pushed 0 for the front desk, to get someone, but they aren't in yet either. Like maybe they don't open until 9?
This morning I had an anxiety dream.
I had a shirt with food stains on it, was driving a manual convertible for some reason, left the top down, it rained, left my purse in some restaurant, had to go back and get it, missed the freeway exit, unable to turn around to get on freeway, stuck in traffic in a manual car, can't get out of first gear and then every few feet I am being interviewed about the traffic and what I think about it.
Sunday, August 28, 2005
Biked about 12 miles this morning with Brad.
It was good for both of us, he had to twist my arm a little.
Not much today, ran some errands, bought a hatchet, sat at A&W for dinner and watched Brad drink at least 6 root beers. (diet)
Brad has a new addiction....Sodoku and he is trying to drag me down with him...
Yesterday, on the way back home from grocery shopping the horses were out, "Pull over, pull over, pull over!". We fed them some of our red seedless grapes we just bought. Brad really loves the horses as much as I do. He even went online and found a place nearby that could train us on horse care so we could volunteer there and clean out stalls, and brush the horses and stuff. I think we would both really enjoy that.
Watched Sin City LOVED LOVED LOVED IT, and as much as I hate that freak (and not freak in the good sense) Mickey Rourke, he was cast perfectly and did a great job.
Also watched Ring 2, Brad wasn't into it, but I liked it, it was creepy and scared me, so I don't care that it really made no sense.
Friday Brad came home to a Sheri meltdown. He is so good at these now! I was just tired. Looking for a job sucks, interviewing for a job sucks, being rejected for a job sucks, and getting a job could even suck. And I was just feeling sensitive about anything and everything. I have another interview with another company on Monday, but I just wasn't happy, just more shit to worry about. Another interview to stress over and then feel like crap when they reject me, and then what if they dont reject me and I get the job, will it suck, will I hate it, will the people suck, will I be miserable. I hated the first 2 years at my last job. I MEAN HATED IT!!! (Mom...don't even tell me to dress like I want the job...that will only make me want to wear my pink wig and cowboy hat!! I mean it!)
People I like call me and I won't even answer the phone. I have nothing to say, too tired to talk or really be in the conversation. I actually have to write down "call so and so" on my "to do" list as a chore, to make me do it!! As I told Shishie, who said she feels the same way, weekends turns out best for me, and earlier in the day, cause at night I get tired and brain-dead and feel incapable of talking. Sending emails or commenting in peoples journals is just so much easier for me then talking on the phone.
You Brooklyn people that know Shishie...email her and call her...she needs shit to do too.
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Yesterday I went to walk dogs.
I am running out of things to do around the house, mood is up and down on a dime.
So dogs was the answer.
I went to see Diamond first.
Studley is still there, but at least up for adoption. And thank goodness on the non-staff adoption side they renamed him to Apollo. Much better name!! I like mythology names, he could be a Zeus too.
Last I walked Isabelle.
I don't know why she was dropped off, someone loved her enough to paint her toenails.
This is her kissy face. She doesn't lick much, she just walks her face into yours with her lips kinda puckered. She has a great kissy face, I kissed her a lot.
Today I went to the local downtown area (for something to do - to keep busy)
I got a table outside of the Starbucks on the busy corner and got adopted by 3 old guys.
Jack was the leader. (The pics came out crappy...too much back light)
Jack (in the orange) is my new boyfriend. His son is 50 and some super high level in the local police. Started out in the K9 Unit. Jack has been retired for over 5 years now, been on 20 cruises, and says I need to go to Italy. He has many jokes lined up, everytime he opens his mouth you just wait for the zinger. And he is very generous with the compliments. I heard the angel from heaven, stuff about my eyes the whole shebang! He also has asthma and is only using 51% of his lung capacity. The guy is really great though, I started out sitting there pouting over my coffee and this guy totally brought me out of my shit. Then this dutch guy joins us (in the cap) He is from Independence MO, moved there from Holland in the 1957. Told tales of working on the boats while in Holland during the war. He was visiting his daughter who lives here and his grandson who is going through his college orientation. Then the other guy, another friend of Jack's came up as I was leaving and got a quick picture. Jack is there every morning and knows every other person around. So I'll probably go back tomorrow and get my coffee and chat.
After that I left to meet Brad at his work for lunch. He took me to a really good Chinese buffet. They didn't have a huge buffet, but what they had out was great, not all that fried stuff. Even had some fruit for dessert. It's a nice drive out to where he works, lots of farm land. Then on the way back to his work we stopped at a farm that sells their stuff. Bought some corn and a tomato for dinner tonight, then went back and fed their goats some of the corn husks. I like goats.
Monday, August 22, 2005
Brad went with me on Saturday to walk dogs. It's been awhile since he went. He was in the mood to remember Goliath, last week was 2 years since he left us. Brad immediately was drawn to a dog that looked a lot like Goliath. Same coloring, size, body shape and personality. Just no white stripe on the nose and tip of the tail.
My big-hearted lovie of a man.....
I spent most of my time with Diamond. Brindle pitt bull, only 7 months old, but is so calm and laid back I would have thought she was older. I am really drawn to the pitt bulls, I can hug and squeeze them really hard, and yet they think they are lap dogs. I love big babies to spoil and dote on. Her ears were all pushed back and her eyes half closed. I just wanted to take her home and take a nap with her like my big teddy bear.
We watched Kung Fu Hustle and Coffee & Cigarettes over the weekend. LOVED Kung Fu Hustle!! I knew it was supposed to be good, but it was even better than I expected. And I HATED Coffee & Cigarettes, it was so boring and slow. We fast forwarded through it in 20 minutes. I just wanted to see some of the people in it. But then we wanted to smoke.... So we bought a pack of cigarettes (it's been over 2 years since I have had one I think...) and smoked just about the whole pack while we sat around the local downtown sneering at everyone. It was a nice night out...but I was just so annoyed by everyone. So many all dressing the same, sparkly sequin tank tops, silver sequined purses, drunk suburban moms, girls going around talking about how drunk they were. So I sneered at them all in my camo shorts and cowboy hat with a cigarette hanging out of my mouth.
Next day Brad finsihed seal coating the driveway.
We sat outside most of the day enjoying the weather.
Caught a chipmunk in our live trap, while Brad showered after sealcoating, I went to go release the munk and pick a big gulp for Brad and a slurpee for me.
Friday, August 19, 2005
The phone interview I had yesterday I thought went well....
He kept me on the phone for a full 45 minutes, but then I got a call back they wanted a higher skill set.
He asked me some really detailed technical questions, that right off hand I wasn't sure of and had to say "I don't know". Cause offhand, I don't..it would take some poking around.
That was with Calyon, a french investment bank.
Today I had a formal interview with a company I already passed the phone interview with.
I think it went well. They said I will hear back from them middle of next week. I hardly said "I don't know", I think only twice. And they even patted me on the back when I said what they were looking for by saying stuff like "Yes, that covered exactly what I was looking for!" or giving me nods of approval. Last night I went over unix commands and what they did to refresh a little with some of the questions I didn't know the answers to from the phone interview I didn't do so well on. Went over my notes while eating some cereal in Cereality across the street from my interview to get ready.
Of course I got sick and panicked right before the interview as I always do. But it went well, let's see what happens. And I got an email about another job lead from some other recruiters.
After the interview I went to the W for a bathroom break. Got an apple and a swanky glass bottle of water. Called Brent, went over to his office and gave him the water and apple. I had never been in his office before. I have seen pictures, but wanted to see his desk and the people he worked with. He has a nice window cube. We were going to Qdoba, but stopped at a place that was on the way that we hadn't been to before instead on Wells and Van Buren. The Irishy pub place...forget the name.
On the way back we stopped into CVS so I could buy some poster board and make a "UNIX Admin for hire" sign.
I mean...it was lunch time, lots of people were out...might as well. So on the front was the "UNIX Admin for hire" and on the back I wrote "I grep like a mo fo!" Held it up high above my head as we walked so everyone could see it. I think it went over well. Lots of people reading my sign. Brent took my picture. After I dropped him off and walked around some more I got stopped by two guys about my job search. They asked if I was interested in working for Bank blah blah, I told them that's where I got fired from. They asked if knew Clearcase and I told them I installed it. So then they asked why I got fired and I told them, and they couldnt believe I got fired for that, perfectly familiar with the required paper reports, and asked if I would be interested in being a consultant for them. I said I would, and gave them my resume. Turns out they knew me. Said they remembered me from work I had done for them before and again couldn't believe I was fired. It's amazing how these other people from groups I did work for remember me like that!! So maybe I will hear back from them and be back at the bank.....Now wouldn't THAT be funny?!?!
Thursday, August 18, 2005
My Uncle Frank, Aunt Marylin, cousins Staci & Jennifer and my mother visited from Thursday and left on Tuesday and I am just now getting to posting pictures.
They bought the pass to all the museums and John Hancock building. Mom and I went to Body Worlds with them at the Science Museum, but skipped out on the other museum stuff.
Aunt Marylin, Staci & Jennifer
Mom & Uncle Frank
Me and mom
Went to Navy Pier, rode the few rides they have
Went to Wrigley, took some shots of the stadium
Rested at Millennium Park
Rode all sorts of transportation. Metra trail, El, Water taxi, free trolleys
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Fabulous story/video/animation I watched this morning that Chris sent me.
"The Little Girl Who Was Forgotten By Absolutely Everyone (Even The Postman)"
Had my second therapy appt on Monday and have my next one tomorrow. I really like him. He is nice and kind. I even forgot myself and hugged him goodbye, but he was cool about it and wasn't weird at all. Cause I was wondering...isn't hugging your therapist like a hooker kissing a client? But he is this super nice jewish guy. The jewish thing made him sound more appealing to me for some reason. The stereotype I have in my head of jewish people is more approachable and understanding. So far I am just bringing him up to date, filling him in on all the history. But he makes me feel like I am not ridiculous, so it's nice.
Yesterday I got up and mowed the lawn, and water flowers and stuff and then went to the water park by myself. I like to go down the slide using the tube, then paddle over to lazy river and go through that 3 or 4 times and then step out to warm up and then do it all over again. Got some sun. Didn't have a headache for once! AMAZING! Especially after cutting grass and being outside... I napped while riding the tube through the lazy river, so soothing.
Today I am sitting around the house waiting for the cable people to show up to increase our broadband connection from 2 Mbps to 4 Mbps. We are supposed to have 4 as part of their service.
Tomorrow I have a 1pm appt with my therapist and then I go downtown to meet up with my Uncle and his family that are visting throughout Tuesday. My mom is driving here Friday to spend the weekend with us also.
Monday, August 08, 2005
After Wizard World we went to Pollo Campero
The place just opened 2 weeks ago here in Chicago. There was a 40 minute wait just to get take out at 3pm. We thought going in between meals it wouldnt be so bad, I can only imagine the lines during regular rush! The drive thru was lined up, a huge line for dine in and the take out line.
We ordered 16 pieces of chicken, sweet plantains, green plantains (but was accidentally left out of our order and we didn't bother going back up for) Campero beans and biscuits. The chicken is simple, nothing exotic, just done very well. The beans were complex and really good. But now after going and watching other people that seemed to know there way around the place, I think the thing is to get chicken, beans, coleslaw and a side of green plantains and tortillas instead of biscuits. Put chicken, beans and coleslaw in the tortilla and eat it that way. Thats what I need to go back and do sometime. I think the tastes combined is the true trick.
Here I am.
Finally posting about Comicon/Wizard World whichever...
It was fun, I had a good time. I just been worn out since, did a lot of walking around that day, and then been tired from that and headaches and a little ill.
But anyway....
Cute kids...
I liked these girls, they looked like the girls of Coop
Pokemon was really funny, they guy couldnt walk in the costume just very slowly shuffle, it made him look very sick and sad as he shuffled.
Willy Wonka gave me some candy Nerds
I was giddy as a school girl just to see him. I went by his area at least 3 times...
I also saw some fabulous artwork there.
Check out this guy Art Baltazar.
I wish I talked to him more, but believe it or not I got shy...
I loved his paintings but I didn't know how much they were and was afraid to ask and show shock if they were really expensive. But now I wish I did. I really love his paintings and drawings. I looked him up and am gonna email him. He just seems like such a nice guy too. He does "Patrick the Wolf Boy".
This was another painting I really really loved by someone else that I didn't get their name....
More pics....